Howard James Recruitment have extensive experience finding you the right candidate across a wide range of roles.
We specialise in matching a candidate with your organisation who has the right skills and background, and is a sound cultural fit. With extensive knowledge and experience of the mining, engineering, construction and manufacturing sectors, our services range from permanent to temporary recruitment, as well as background checking, outplacement and career development services. Our services for employers include:
- Permanent recruitment
- Temp / contract recruitment
- Career coaching
- Interview coaching
- Interview culling
- Background checking
- Psychological profiling
- International recruitment
- Human resource outsourcing
- Organisation development
- Candidate care
Howard James Recruitment has expertise across many industry specialisations.
Our experience spans extensive permanent and temporary recruitment, bulk recruitment and assessment centres, senior managerial roles, as well as apprentices and cadets. We focus on organisations in heavy industry including the mining, engineering, construction and manufacturing sectors. Our areas of specialist expertise include:
- Manufacturing
- Maintenance
- Electrical
- Infrastructure
- Mining and Support Services
- Work Health and Safety
- Support Staff
- Building and Construction